Can Gaviscon Tablets Help Acid Reflux?

Gaviscon Tablets

Gaviscon tablets are an effective method for treating acid reflux disease. These tablets contain three main active ingredients, magnesium sulfate, calcium carbonate, and sodium hydroxide. These ingredients all work together by acting as a reflex inhibitory, meaning that they form a barrier around the contents of the stomach, protecting the esophagus and other stomach contents from being acidified. This protects esophageal lining from irritation by stomach acids, tackling common acid reflux symptoms in their source.

Gaviscon suppliers

The ingredients of gaviscon tablets work in conjunction to help you treat your symptoms more effectively. The magnesium sulfate works by keeping the stomach content cool and allowing it to stay in the lower intestines longer, preventing acid production there. This prolongs the time taken to treat your problem. The calcium carbonate and sodium hydroxide work together to strengthen the walls of the small intestine, stopping stomach acids from reaching the food you eat. And lastly, the vitamin A allows the vitamin A derivative, lutein, to be absorbed more easily into your body.

One of the main reasons why gaviscon tablets are so effective at treating acid reflux is because they are made from natural ingredients. As such, they are safe to use, and unlikely to cause side effects. For instance, magnesium sulfate – which is used to make up the majority of gaviscon tablets – is naturally present in many foods. So you can chew on these tablets or drink them. However, you should not take any other medications, as these will interfere with the effectiveness of the tablet.

Can Gaviscon Tablets Help Acid Reflux?

You should see immediate relief from symptoms such as heartburn. In fact, you should see them disappear within a few hours. If you take gaviscon tablets after meals and at bedtime, you should see symptoms reducing within a few days, until the medication has done its job. If you do experience severe symptoms, however, you should not stop taking the medication until your doctor advises you to do so. This is to avoid sudden withdrawal from a medication that could harm your health.

In addition, gaviscon liquid sachets are easy to use. Once you open the liquid sac, you simply swallow the contents. Alternatively, the three active ingredients can be applied to the throat or a tampon can be dipped into it and then inserted into the mouth. As you will have experienced no unpleasant taste or odour, this form of tablet will be easier for you to tolerate. If you prefer to take the tablets by mouth, it is recommended that you select a brand that includes a sugar-free chewable tablet.

Although gaviscon tablets are designed to ease gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms, they also work well for people who suffer from occasional acid reflux or GERD. In fact, many sufferers find that once they start taking the medication, they no longer need to take any additional medications to relieve their symptoms. If you start to notice symptoms that you believe may be caused by acid reflux, you should talk to your doctor about changing your daily routine to include smaller amounts of fruits and vegetables and to cut down on your salt intake. Taking gaviscon original liquid sachets is also a good way to ease symptoms. You can also try out the liquid sachets with the original tablet, if you prefer, to see whether you feel better in that way.

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