Dog Information – Fun Dog Facts

Here are some interesting and enjoyable facts about dogs. You are bound to find many things you may not be aware of about man’s best friend.

  • It is not true that dogs are colorblind. They can see color, although not as vivid compared to humans.
  • Dogs’ only sweat pads are between their paw pads.
  • Like human babies, Chihuahuas also have soft spots on their skulls when they are born, which also close with age.
  • The Basenji, a wolfdog native to Africa, is the only known breed of dog that cannot bark.
  • A breed of dog called the Lundehune can close its ears and has 6 toes.
  • Franklin Roosevelt spent a whopping $15,000 to have his Scottie picked up by a destroyer in the Aleutian Islands.
  • In Roman times, mastiffs also wear light armor and are sent to follow mounted knights.
  • A 1-year-old dog is physically as mature as a 15-year-old human.
  • The highest dog population in the world is in the US.
  • France followed.
  • An average city dog ​​has a longer lifespan compared to a country dog ​​at about 3 years.
  • Taco Bell’s dog is named Gidget.
  • Newfoundlands are incredible swimmers due to the fact that their feet are webbed.
  • Basset Hounds can’t swim.
  • The fastest dogs are greyhounds. They can run up to 45 miles per hour.
  • Dogs are mentioned in the Bible 14 times.
  • There are 3 dogs that survived the sinking of the Titanic: a Pekingese, a Pomeranian and a Newfoundland.
  • The number one favorite breed in the UK, Canada and the US is the Labrador Retriever.
  • In the US, approximately 1 million dogs have been named in their owners’ wills as the primary beneficiaries.
  • Dog nose prints are as uniquely similar as human fingerprints and can be used to accurately identify them.
  • The most intelligent dogs in the world are believed to be the golden retriever, the poodle, and the border collie.
  • The Afghan hound is believed to be the dumbest.
  • Smaller dog breeds mature faster compared to larger breeds.
  • The first canine star in Hollywood is Rin Tin Tin.
  • …he actually signed 22 of his film contracts with a paw print!
  • Dogs have no sense of “time”.
  • Compared to humans, a dog’s scent is 100,000 times stronger, probably more.

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