Choose your writing forum wisely – Post with reputable establishments – Content replaces everything!

Quality content is key to great writing and publishing with a reputable establishment is essential for your writing momentum to succeed! The internet is a wild wild west of illegal activity that happens to people who post their intellectual property on websites and blogs. It’s no wonder fewer and fewer people are posting anything entertaining on their blogs. There are other writers, publishers and big business companies who steal ideas, slogans and phrases, as if they wrote them! Verbiage that was written by a humble writer who wanted to express his heart on his own blog.

This doesn’t just happen to writers for people or companies residing in other countries, but it is usually done by people the writer dealt with at one time or another, and usually within their own country or border, local intellectual copycats, stalkers and thieves.

Make sure you are aware of what and where you publish and publish your writing. If a friend asks you to blog, politely decline and offer a link they can use to redirect readers to your website, book, or business. Often times, companies are crafty and desperate for GOOD WRITTEN CONTENT, and will lie, cheat, and steal to get freebies from good writers. If you are going to post your writing, please do so in a credible, trustworthy, long-standing and well-established forum. Also, take a break from time to time, so that no one gets used to your gifts.

Take the time to make a business plan for where, who, and when you plan to write and get the right kind of writing exposure. There are crafty little companies that make a living stealing and stalking writers on the Internet. These businesses get into the pay-per-link porn business because they have gone way down in their business ethics and are probably struggling financially, so they turn to porn links to pay. Be aware and report these businesses to the proper authorities and make the world a better place without these low level businesses and writers.

I think you still need to go through the proper chains to get your writing published. I have seen so many books that are absolutely TERRIBLE, with no punctuation, not having any desirable content to read. Unless you really know his story or really want to read something good, I suggest you find a good author and follow him. Good authors are known for where they publish their books, their attention to detail, and QUALITY CONTENT, every time they write. ***

It’s easy to write a substandard article simply because you have a swollen ego and feel like you can do no wrong. FALSE, even someone who has been published before can write a lousy article, book, or advertisement because they feel entitled and did a subpar job on a task.

Take pride in the work you provide readers, take pride in the time and effort it took you to write your ad or article. Feel embarrassed reading plagiarized articles, and know that low-level writers will be exposed for their effortless laziness and enthusiasm.

*I have written so much that it has been published and is on the Internet, that I automatically know when my work is plagiarized, once again. I used to get mad, now I just pity low level writers who are dark inside, lacking original creation, content, and artistic acumen. They probably made their $25.00 per article by copying and pasting the words posted from another writer’s hard work, investment of time and passion ~ they haunt other good writers on the internet. Karma hits EVERYONE ~ even low-end small businesses and lazy, mean-spirited, plagiarizing writers alike.

**Remember, writers, it takes hard work, a good work ethic, and using your own discipline to prepare your creativity, organization, and publication-ready writing skills. You want to get organized before you sign your name to any book, advertisement, or article ~ YOU WANT to be proud to put your signature, out in the world, for others to read behind a high-quality brand. Your writing is your brand, make sure your signature shows a great mark of character and quality of writing.

If you are offering a service or giving advice in your writing, be sure to provide thoughts based on your own life experiences, research, or knowledge base. I can’t count how many times people have plagiarized articles, some of me, that weren’t theirs, on topics beyond their knowledge base and expertise.

**Writers have a mission in life: to write good, quality, distinctive, engaging and beneficial content. I wish you the best in all your writing adventures and writing endeavors! If you enjoy writing and expressing your thoughts from pen to paper, there are plenty of wise forums to entertain you! First of all, it’s not crazy to expect to get paid to write. After all, someone using your writing is getting paid, so why shouldn’t it be you?

I enjoy learning from you and from others continually offering me knowledge!******

Writing especially for you, inspiring heartfelt passages every day!~

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