Conspiracy Theory in the Salton Sea: A Brief Fictional History of Intrigue, Corruption, and Deception

In 2019 there was a secret meeting between various socialist elites who had been plotting for decades to take over America. They had been successful in getting people to elect or appoint the highest offices and agencies in our government. They now control the best law schools in the Ivy League and run many of the largest American corporations. Basically, they run the game. The meeting was secret because this time they were planning their final strategies.

They sat in the dimly lit room going over the last details. They were going to create a mega disaster, blame it on Mother Nature, declare the Marshall Act, suspend the constitution, and resign from the next presidential election. No one knew about the plot, but someone had discovered him, a blogger, and they tried to label him a conspiracy freak, but he had gained too much popularity.

Worse still, the plan had already been put in place. The Salton Sea had been dubbed an “Alternative Energy Zone,” and geothermal companies had been pumping seawater into deep cast reservoirs and molten rock to break it up in a fracture-type method. Soon the San Andreas fault would come to life, a 9.0 earthquake was expected that would cause chaos and unheard of disaster. Unfortunately for them, the blogger had written:

“I hereby accuse those involved in this of a long-term conspiracy to create a situation in which a giant earthquake occurs and therefore use that disaster to control, forcing the government to have greater power. We have little to no transparency regarding these things here, we have questionable newly elected politicians who have been accelerated to higher office by the socialist elite, and we cannot leave anything beyond them. Yes, there is heat energy available, but only if the methods used are closed circuit, if not, we could cause earthquakes, big ones, look at this, you have been warned “.

No one else knew, but the same socialist team had staged a bioterrorist attack in Washington DC using a virus imported from the Middle East, which would be put into processed food and some water supplies. Also simultaneously, the conspirators brought about a collapse of New York’s groundwater supply system. All this would happen to the surprise of October. The FBI was going blind, and the NSA’s special system for tracking communications had been shut down, and there weren’t enough details for the conspirators to bring charges – worse, all law enforcement agencies had also compromised.

How does this story end?

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