Network Marketing Breakthrough: Change the World, One Person at a Time

Changing the world seems like a difficult task for anyone, let alone normal people like you and me, but it really isn’t. Knowledge is power and knowledge is gained through education. Education is available wherever we go, in our homes, at our jobs, on our journeys from A to B, and even through the people we talk to every day, regardless of their age. Opening our minds to different points of view allows us to analyze situations more expertly.

How do we open our minds to different points of view? Trying something new. Something different. Your morning paper is a great example of this. Here in the UK, our newspapers are divided between political and social backgrounds. This is not a rule, this is how it just happens. Some newspapers in England tend to favor the middle class (I’m not sure what that amounts to in the US but here in the UK it’s the rich) because of this the articles written in these newspapers are written in a style that suits the best-educated people. They contain longer, more descriptive alternative words than those used in everyday English.

Some would say this makes for a better read. Also the news that is published in the newspapers aimed at the middle class, tends to move away from the magazine-type gossip that is published in the newspapers aimed at the working class. Many young people see these types of newspapers as boring and feel that they cannot relate to them. This could be due to the lack of bright colors that these newspapers use to make them appear less attractive or perhaps because Madonna’s love life is ultimately more interesting than the spending habits of a certain Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, I do not know. What I do know is that many young people will turn away from these newspapers and, if asked, some would even admit that they have not even read the newspapers in question.
Here is our problem. Today’s society is very comfortable with being in a rut. Often we don’t want to try something that is completely different from what we are used to.

We close our minds to the option of trying something new, dismissing the suggestion immediately. This could be attributed to an immediate reaction of fear, but I think it is more due to lack of knowledge. If you knew the benefits of reading such a well-written article on Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah and his life of luxury, I’m sure the same audience that enjoys reading so much about Britney Spears and her earnings would no doubt find this chosen person quite interesting. . Being uneducated in a specific field and passing judgment will not work in your favor all the time. If you don’t know any better, how can you be sure that what you have is the best? I’m not saying go out and try everything you can get your hands on, what I’m saying is make it your duty to find out a little more, through education, not advice, on subjects you’re pretty skeptical about. . information is available in just about anything you can think of on the Internet, in books, magazines, and on television. Granted, not all information is correct, but there are some valid and reliable sources.

How do we know what a reliable source is? We can never say which source is 100% reliable because it is mostly based on interpretation. There will always be someone who sees something different. However, we can get an overview of something by searching many different sources of information on the same topic and pointing out the most common features. For example, if we asked 100 people to explain the event of the most recent US election, we would get many different views on whether the campaigns were clean, whether the right man was elected for the job, how it would affect America in the long run. term. and so. The only thing we couldn’t discuss would be who was the real winner. When presenting many different points of view and arguments on a subject, if you can locate the common point in all the different points of view, you can be sure that there is some validity to that point. Remember that we were trying to educate ourselves with a basic understanding of something so that we can make an informed decision about it.

So how to dose this bond to change the world? Educated people make educated decisions based on facts and logic. A real and powerful benefit of educating yourself is the ability to become more tolerant and less judgmental. The fact that someone or something is not what you want or expect does not mean that it cannot be the same as what you want. A delinquent child can become the disciplined adult you hope for, but you must first be able to see that in him and not dismiss him as a lost hope.

Educating yourself on how to deal with problem children will allow you to choose effective but not always common methods of dealing with the child. Another example would be prejudice towards people who are different from you. One individual can be different from another for many different reasons, whether it be because of their skin color, their gender, religion, social background, or even if they are from or reside in a different area than your own. Many people have the preconception that being visibly different from someone means that they will have little or nothing in common with each other. This causes division.

Because of this preconception, they often don’t want to get to know each other and thus never find out how much in common they really have with this other person. This keeps dividing. Often some people have very good reasons for behaving this way, perhaps they have had a bad experience dealing with people in this group. Of course, this is understandable after all, a leopard never changes its spots. Or dose it? A certain individual may never change, but that does not mean that everyone like him is the same.

An ugly caterpillar grows into a beautiful butterfly in months. Over time people change. What allows them to change is learning and acquiring knowledge. They do this either by indirectly educating themselves through experiences or by seeking the right information to improve themselves. By not being so fixed in our vision of people and things, we can expand and reach new places that we never imagined possible, all because we made that decision to change and properly educate ourselves on a subject before giving a verdict. This conquers division. If we can all make this decision, I can’t see the world being any worse off than it is right now. Can?

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