PBS Reports on Student Loans: A Leftist Perspective on Reality

As a right-leaning or conservative gentleman, I can sniff out leftist propaganda pretty easily, and that’s not that hard, considering it’s pretty much everywhere in our society and has infiltrated our corporations, government, and even our own families. . Yeah everyone has their point of view (POV) on politics and that’s perfectly acceptable except for one thing on the left it’s really not someone’s actual POV but rather one of a replay brainwashing mentality , false Argument and propaganda. Consider this growing and out of control college student loan crisis we find ourselves in today.

Did you know that nearly 50% of all student loans are delinquent or have never made a single payment, with a large portion of the $1.35 trillion outstanding, yes, that’s right with a “T”? a payment in more than 7 years? We were told or we were told by the Obama administration that employment is at an all time high now at just over 4% well then how come no one is paying off their student loans not even the small payments for stay at least? in the game?

Now there’s a YouTube video – “PBS Examines the Problem of Student Loans” – on the Credit Care Channel that goes on and on about how Sally Mae’s collections staff is mis-advising borrowers to pay off their loans early. paying rent, health insurance, or house payments, and how borrowers didn’t understand that it was a bad idea to do so. Does video longer than 25 minutes make student loan borrowers look like victims? What? The victims are not them, we are the taxpayers in many cases, since we are guaranteeing those loans, not all of them, but a part of them.

One estimate was that taxpayers are in trouble for about $108 billion of student loans already in default, ouch. What do I think of this? Well, I think PBS, yes, also partially funded by taxpayers, is making things worse, and their documentaries on this subject are a very leftist point of view, following Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, who basically told voters that if voted them into office there would be student loans forgiven and free college for all.

But why does PBS make these victim loans? They are not, they owe the money, the taxpayer should NOT bail out this abuse of our system by students, political leftists and students. Academia is to blame too, those know-it-alls who claim they care about kids, BS who care about their pensions, tenure, and leftist politics.

If these colleges taught “financial literacy” along with other degree requirements, maybe their students wouldn’t be such lazy consumers. Instead, the academy teaches leftist socialism, brainwashing the students. Maybe, it’s okay if the college loan debt crisis bomb bubble bursts, NO taxpayer bailouts… We have a runaway academic college system funded in part by taxpayers, as the Tenured professors act high and mighty, but they hide in academia, never having to do payroll or trade on the free market.

If you have no problem with those who have allowed this student loan debt bomb to lead to a crisis of epic proportions while the bubble is still building, then you are NOT paying attention. Think about this.

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