You don’t have to be romantic to make your wife fall in love: the best of romantic outsourcing

Let’s face it, not all husbands have the ability, time, or focus to write romantic love letters that stir their wife’s emotions. To suggest that everyone can be a master of the subtle nuances of romance is to suggest that everyone could be a nuclear physicist. So if you’re not a physicist, read on, because there’s hope for challenged romantics. And if you’re a physicist, you’re probably a bit of a geek, so there’s help for you too!

Too often you say to yourself, “I wish you were more romantic.” If you’re taking the time to read this and haven’t heard it, her wife is probably telling her friends in confidence, “I wish my husband was more romantic.”

All of this women’s ‘desire’ is based on the mistaken belief that somewhere deep inside every husband is this incredible romantic inner child struggling to be released. Actually, maybe, just maybe, the genetic difference between the sexes not only affects how we look physically on the outside, but also permanently influences how we relate to the world from the inside. Or possibly, the different way boys and girls are raised forever affects how adults interact with each other. The next time these women go on a journey to find this elusive romantic inner child lurking in her husband, they must first locate their own inner computer technician or mechanic.

There is absolutely no intention to make fun of one gender or the other; or apply generalizations to individuals. Each gender and each person has their own set of strengths and weaknesses. The critical element in creating a strong, vibrant marriage where each partner feels fulfilled is focusing on positive strengths while minimizing (or eliminating) the effects of one person’s weaknesses.

Archimedes said, “Give me a lever long enough, a place to stand, and I can move the world.” Being romantic is no different. Give a man a plan of action (reminders), the right tools (tips and tips), and he can make a woman’s heart race. The good news is that any man can be a knight in shining armor if he finds himself in the right situation.

By using the interactive capabilities of the Internet, there is hope for the romantically troubled husband, his wife, and their marriage. To create an amazing romance for her wife, he just needs to take advantage of the resources available on a well-designed marriage-building website.

While some of the online services are basic, others have tremendous capabilities to enhance romantic potential, increase your wife’s confidence in the relationship, and add spice to the marriage. In addition to hints, tips, and romantic ideas, full sites will have a reminder service that you can schedule around milestone birthdays and anniversaries. Some even provide templates of love poems and letters that you quickly copy and customize for your situation. Do a quick search for “Romantic Outsourcing” to see what is available to you and what best suits your needs.

An important aspect of maintaining romance in your marriage is meeting your spouse’s needs: in the way she wants her needs met. Everyone is different and an individual’s needs change over time. Be flexible and make sure to keep the romance fresh with new ideas. Here are some suggestions:

  • Just because you like practical gifts, like a table saw, doesn’t mean your wife is the same. Tailor your romantic exploits to his needs.
  • Few people would enjoy a chocolate cake every night. At some point the enjoyment disappears. Mix it up and keep it cool.
  • Romance isn’t necessarily about spending money, it’s about making an emotional connection.
  • Customize your romantic gestures. Generic out-of-the-box greeting cards just don’t pack much of a punch.
  • If what you’re doing isn’t working, do something else. Every woman has a romantic button, you just have to figure out how to push it.

At some point in the past, a combination of romantic gestures worked to capture his wife’s imagination. How do we know this is true? She married you! It’s just a matter of remaking that connection.

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