7 signs that a man doubts a relationship! Now you’ll know what’s going on in his mind

Everything has been going well so far in their relationship and they have both been happy. But suddenly your man has started to doubt the relationship and you can’t understand why. What has gone wrong between the two of you that he has begun to doubt the relationship? What are the signs that your man has begun to doubt?

Too many questions
Suddenly he has taken it upon himself to ask you more questions than necessary. When you get dressed to go out, he will come up with questions like where are you going and who are you going to meet? These are sure signs that you have doubts in the relationship.

he keeps calling you
While you are away, he will continue to bother you with repeated calls to find out where and with whom you are at the moment. When are you going to be back? You can’t help but ask these penetrating questions. But this is a sure sign that he doubts the relationship.

Snoops through your belongings
There are no limits to which a man reaches when he doubts a relationship. He will snoop around going through things like your cell phone, emails, your diary, bag, or even his locker. He will look for clues to know if you are involved with someone.

becomes suspicious
If you arrive later than stipulated to return home, he will suspect you. He will show his displeasure by not talking to you or asking for an explanation, and even if you try to explain it to him, he won’t listen.

He doubts the truth
Whenever you give him explanations or try to answer a question, he will always doubt the truth. He will think that you are lying to him and will show that he mistrusts you. No matter how you try to convince him of the truth, he won’t believe you; a sign that he doubts the relationship.

Reconstructing old problems
He will often fix old problems, which is a clear sign that he is upset with you and looking for opportunities to start an argument or fight. He will accuse you of things that happened years ago and that both of you had decided to put aside.

listening to your conversations
You will be surprised to find it crouched down to listen to your phone calls or any communication you have with your friends. He will be standing nearby and trying to gauge what you are talking about. It is because he doubts the relationship that he resorts to such steps.

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