honeymoon in Mauritius

For me, nothing seemed so far gone as planning a honeymoon in Mauritius. When I first visited the island, romance was the last thing on my mind, and I was determined to leave the glitz of travel brochures behind and find the “real” Mauritius, which I was sure existed beyond the shadows. sunsets and impossibly photogenic beaches. Unfortunately, as Burns put it so clearly, the best plans of mice and men…

There is, it is true, much more to the island than beaches, sunsets, and palm trees, as a cursory look at logic and mathematics will tell you. The island has a total area of ​​1,865 square kilometers with a coastline of approximately 330 kilometers, which means that only a tiny part of the island is actually beach. Similarly, while breathtakingly beautiful, the average sunset only lasts about twenty minutes in a twenty-four-hour day, and the ubiquitous palm tree is just one among thousands of tree species. As you can see, the search for romance was definitely not on my mind.

Despite myself, however, after only a few days on the island, I was forced to admit that the sunsets, while taking up only a small percentage of the day, were consistently spectacular and exquisite enough to melt the heart. of even the most hardened. cynical. The pearly beaches and shimmering turquoise water that fringe the island, shaded by the ever-present palm trees, create an idyllic place to bask in the warmth of love.

Adding to these visual attractions is the ‘spirit’ of Mauritius. Family is of the utmost importance on the island and marriage is a consummation that is devoutly desired. This means that any love-struck couple visiting Mauritius on their honeymoon will be showered with good wishes and friendly approval from the locals.

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