online kundalini yoga teacher training

kundalini yoga teacher training

Kundalini yoga online is an exciting new way to experience the profound benefits of this powerful form of yoga. It is often described as a yoga awakening, and it is designed to unlock the flow of energy within your body, and help you develop a deeper awareness of your own energetic blockages.

The teacher training is conducted online and includes a mix of modules, assignments, and live calls with the trainer. This means you can take part in the course from anywhere in the world and still receive the same world-class instruction as you would if you were taking it at a physical yoga studio. The courses are also very affordable, which makes them a great option for anyone who is looking to expand their yoga practice or become a certified kundalini yoga teacher.

The curriculum in this Kundalini yoga course online is comprehensive, and covers the history, philosophy, techniques, and practices of this form of yoga. It includes a deep dive into the ten yogic bodies, the subtle energies of the nadis and chakras, and the kundalini energy system. It also covers traditional anatomy and physiology, and how these relate to yoga and its teachings. Students will also learn how to use mantras, mudras, and chanting in their yoga classes, and how to prepare a class sequence that will be both transformative and healing for their students.

online kundalini yoga teacher training

You will also be taught the three core kriyas for beginners, which are known to have profound benefits such as building strength and stamina, releasing stress, and providing relief from back pain. Other kriyas covered in this online yoga teacher training are for boosting sexual power, easing menstrual pain, and increasing inner vitality. In addition, you will also be introduced to a meditation for overcoming depression and the fundamentals of astrology and nidra.

This kundalini yoga course online is an excellent choice for beginners who want to learn how to teach this ancient form of yoga, as it is taught by expert instructors. The program is also perfect for people with existing yoga experience, as it can be used to add a kundalini component to a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training program.

Designed by experienced teachers, this course provides world-class instruction and personalized support. Guru Singh brings 35 years of Kundalini yoga wisdom and teacher training to this training, while Brett Larkin offers savvy business strategies that all yoga teachers need, as well as her expertise in developing the best online YTT experience possible. This training is only offered 1X/year, so if you’re interested in enrolling, be sure to act quickly. Students can defer their enrollment up to 30 days before the start date of their training, but there is a $650 deferment fee.

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