The benefits of slow food over fast food

Fast food is a phenomenon that most people in the world are familiar with. However, slow food is less well known. The name slow food is a bit misleading, as it is much more than the opposite of fast food. The slow food movement defends something more than care and attention to what we eat. It offers an alternative to fast-paced modern life by embracing the philosophy behind why and how we should eat by providing information on product sourcing, cooking methods, and the positive social aspects of eating and sharing a meal.

What is fast food?

To understand what slow food really is, we need to understand what the antidote is: fast food. Generally, the term fast food refers to quickly prepared food with low-quality ingredients and preparation that is served in disposable packaging at franchised chain restaurants, independent outlets, and kiosks. It is often overpriced, low in nutritional value, and eaten “on the go.”

It is often made in an industrial setting, pre-packaged, and then shipped to retailers where it can be quickly reheated or cooked. While some fast foods are healthy, such as sushi, fresh fried or grilled meat and vegetables, baked potatoes, salads, and fresh sandwiches, most are not. Common fast foods, such as burgers, fries, fish and chips, pizza, and kebabs, are often highly processed and contain large amounts of additives, are high in calories, trans fats, sugars, and salts, and come in relatively small portions.

What is Slow Food?

Slow food is a value system that is designed to combat the detrimental effects of fast food. His whole spirit is focused on the idea of ​​”living a life without haste, starting at the table.” The Slow Food Movement was formed in Italy in 1986 and has grown to around 83,000 members in 122 countries.

Among the key values ​​it promotes and encourages are the extensive use of regional and local products, traditional farming and cooking methods, and sharing the enjoyment of carefully and slowly prepared and cooked food in the company of others, all of which nurture a healthy mind and body.

However, its mandate also extends to the preservation of regional and cultural foods and ingredients, such as plants, seeds, and domestic animals, through programs such as taste education, and offers support to those who want to source and promote high-quality traditional local foods that are more nutritious and flavorful than fast food.

health benefits

By eating and adopting the social attitude of slow food, physical and mental health can be improved much more than with a fast food diet. Fast food providers, especially in the US, urge consumers to buy “Supersize”, which has contributed to the problem of obesity, which increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, blood diseases and joint problems.

Fast food is often eaten fast, which is often antisocial and bad for your digestion. With slow food, a meal becomes a special event. During meal preparation, people take time to relax and share conversation, which extends long after the meal is over. Because slow food is made with the freshest local ingredients and produce (often organic, therefore free of artificial chemicals), diners have peace of mind knowing where their food comes from and that it provides high nutritional value.

Many people are surprised to learn that eating slower helps with weight loss. The conditioned behavior of eating until we are full is a complex process that depends on how many times we chew, how long we eat and the amount of food we eat. If we chew and eat more slowly and spend more time at the table, most people will find that they need less food to feel full.

lifestyle benefits

In addition, eating becomes more enjoyable because it is shared. Meals have traditionally been a time when people can come together and not just share a meal, but also bond. This creates closer relationships with friends and family who are happier because of the sharing.

Eating slower allows us to savor more. Fast food is designed to be eaten quickly, which is why it has concentrated flavors. However, the taste does not last long and is ultimately unsatisfactory. Slow food, on the other hand, is made with the best ingredients and products that are bursting with natural flavors. When we eat slowly in a relaxed environment, we experience more flavors, textures, and aromas, and gain a new appreciation for our food.

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