Why you should understand flexibility and become flexible

Much has been said about flexibility and how to be flexible. The importance of flexibility cannot be overstated, flexibility is necessary to perform daily activity with relative ease. So what is flexibility really? Flexibility is the ability of a joint to achieve a full range of motion (ROM) with the proper balance of elasticity and plasticity. Elasticity is the ability of muscle and connective tissue to return to its normal length after being stretched. Plasticity is the ability of connective tissue to achieve a new and greater length after being stretched.

Our bodies are equipped with automatic ‘protection systems’: the muscle spindle and Golgi tendon (stretch receptors), which prevent us from injuring ourselves during stretching. The muscle spindle is a sensory receptor found within the muscle fiber that detects changes in the rate of elongation. Protecting the muscle from excessive elongation, the Golgi tendon helps the muscle to relax when it incurs too much tension or incurs too rapid a change in tension. Try touching your toes to stretch your hamstrings, notice that after 20 seconds your muscles seem to relax allowing you to stretch further. The initial tension is caused by the muscle spindles sensing a change in length. The Golgi tendon is then activated to release the tension, allowing it to stretch further.

Flexibility differs between people for various reasons. Generally, younger people tend to be more flexible than older ones, and women tend to be more flexible than men. This could be due to anatomical differences and types of activities that individuals perform. Inactivity and decreased use of the full ROM can affect its flexibility. Therefore, it is important to stay active, stretch, and use your full range of motion when exercising. The improved flexibility will improve your training and reduce the chance of injury due to the increased ability to move unhindered through a wider ROM. It will also help your posture.

There are various forms of stretching, but generally the two most common types are dynamic and static stretching. Static stretching is the gradual lengthening of a muscle by holding a position at the first point of resistance for 30 seconds or more. Dynamic stretching requires constant controlled movement through a full range of motion. It is advisable not to have overly tight muscles or significant muscle imbalances before attempting a stretch. Try using a foam roller (myofascial release) to relax those tight muscles and warm up properly before a stretch. Ideally, you want to apply dynamic stretching before a workout and static stretching after a workout. And remember, stretching should never be painful, the focus should be on bringing the muscle to a point of light tension. It’s important to have the right balance of strength and flexibility, so when you’re not sure what to do, seek the services of a knowledgeable and qualified trainer who understands your needs and fits your personality.

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