Discus Fish – Ideas On How To Breed Discus Fish

It is not uncommon for exotic fish owners to find discus farming a bit demanding. The difficult part of breeding discus is finding the right mate, this stems from the fact that discus like to choose their mates alone, and not all follow in their favor. In that circumstance, you have two options for breading your discus aquarium fish; you can buy a pair or breed them together in a group and hope they make a pair. The initial option is not the best, since discussing pair of fish can cost a few hundred dollars, which is quite a lot.

Therefore, the most beneficial option you have is to start breeding discus by creating a discus group of at least half a dozen members and crossing your fingers that you get at least a pair between them. How to know if they are couples? Hopefully from now on raising discus won’t be so difficult if you follow the basics. First, the new pair will place a demarcation on the tank and begin to defend it against any intruders. Which means it’s time for you to move on to the second phase of discus breeding.

Set up a separate tank for your discus and keep it as simple as possible. You are not forced to put something at the bottom of the tank, what they need is a vertical surface that allows them to lay their eggs. Discus will soon start spawning. Don’t worry about the eggs that look whitish, those are the infertile ones, and as for the rest, the parents may eat some and protect the rest. The interesting part about keeping discus is that they feed their own siblings for a few weeks.

In about 21 days, you will need to move the fish to a special tank, as it is not uncommon for discus to have been injured by their babies eating the scales, for example. Once out of parental care, breeding discus will begin a new breeding cycle and may soon start having more siblings afterward. Throughout the feeding period, water and food are essential, so make sure no mistake is made.

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