Symptoms of gladular fever to be aware of

Related to the Epstein-Barr virus, glandular fever is a viral infection that is transmitted through direct contact with the saliva of an infected person or through airborne droplets of saliva. The disease is most often spread by sneezing, coughing, kissing, and sharing glasses or drinks.

The most common early symptoms include fatigue, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. To confirm the diagnosis of glandular fever, a doctor will perform a throat swab and culture. Glandular fever, known in some regions as mononucleosis, or mono, is a common condition and, like all viruses, resistant to drugs and other medical treatments.

Perhaps more of a nuisance than a threat, one of the hallmarks of glandular fever is that the virus takes a long time to run its course. From the time a patient is first exposed to the virus until symptoms begin, it usually takes between 7 and 14 days. Symptoms can last, to varying degrees, from 6 to 8 weeks, and a patient who tests positive for glandular fever can remain contagious for up to 18 months.

One of the main symptoms of the disease is fatigue. The body is so busy fighting the virus, which it mutates to survive, that all its resources are devoted to that battle. It is vitally important that patients with glandular fever rest when they are tired. Engaging in strenuous activity during this time increases the chances of a rare but very serious complication.

In less than 1% of patients with glandular fever, the spleen ruptures. The spleen must then be removed immediately or the patient may bleed to death. The spleen is a small organ protected by the ribs on the left side of the body near the back. Returning to heavy lifting or contact sports may play a role in this very rare complication, so the safest course of action is to fully rest during the recovery phase.

Another symptom that affects many patients with glandular fever is a very painful sore throat. The tonsils may be covered with a white film or spots that show that the body’s own defense systems are trying to keep the infection in check. A doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory steroids to reduce swelling in the throat. This medicine can also reduce inflammation in the spleen or lungs.

One way to soothe the raw sore throat that accompanies glandular fever is to gargle with warm, not hot, salt water. Ideally, the rinse used should be slightly warmer than body temperature. Saltwater gargles help to gently cleanse the tonsils and rehydrate the raw and damaged membranes of the throat and mouth.

Swollen lymph nodes are another sign of glandular fever. These can be located just below the back of the lower jaw. To determine if the glands are swollen, the patient should tilt the face toward the ceiling and run the flat part of the fingers along the neck near the back of the lower jaw. Swollen lymph nodes will be tender to the touch and very obvious. The smaller lymph nodes on the scalp may also swell. As the disease subsides, so will the swollen glands.

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