The benefits of sports for children

The only thing more important than participating in some type of sporting activity is getting your children involved in sporting activities.

Enrolling kids in competitive sports has many benefits. You can teach so many basic life skills and expose children to safe learning situations, while also ensuring they get some exercise.

START HEALTHY. All parents know that good habits start at a young age. In today’s age, when most kids exercise, it’s with their thumbs: texting their friends at worst, or playing Wii sports in the living room at best. The amount of empty calories consumed by the average child cannot compete with the lack of movement. This results in overweight, unhealthy, and ultimately unhappy children. Encouraging children to attend regular sports activities is one of the best ways to prevent adolescent obesity and start your child on the path to a healthy lifestyle.

SELF-CONFIDENCE. One of the best ways to build self-confidence and self-awareness in children is through participation in competitive sports. Children are given the opportunity to do their part and take responsibility for their actions. Each kid on the team gets their turn to shine, which can be a real eye opener for a kid who may not have had the chance to excel in other parts of their life. A child also learns to accept criticism and take advantage of opportunities to grow.

TEAM SPIRIT. Children who compete in sports as part of a team have the opportunity to learn all the skills that go along with team building, such as confidence and responsibility. Each child learns to encourage and comfort others, as well as to receive the same. The team can act as a secondary family for a child who may need additional support from her peers. Friends made in the field can become lifelong friends, providing children with social stability that will last a lifetime. Learning how to deal with disappointments and how to treat others when they do are life lessons that will stay with your child for years to come.

FUN. Children love to play. They love to play with other children. Regularly scheduled and supervised sports activities are the way children learn all the skills listed above, but most of all have fun at the same time.

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