What are zero point energy wands like the Amega AMwand and Scalars wands and how do they work?

Wanding is based on real science, not science fiction. It is not the case of someone who collects some water from a stream high in the mountains and calls it the fountain of youth. It’s also not wandering like picking a berry from a faraway country and saying it’s the miracle anti-aging solution for longer life. Wandering comes to us from a history of bioelectromagnetic healing that dates back to the 1890s.

From Tesla’s published article on “High Frequency Oscillators for Electrotherapeutic and Other Purposes” in 1898 and Georges Lakhovsky’s published article on “Curing Cancer with Ultra Radio Frequencies” to the modern publication of Dr. Robert Becker’s book “The Body electric”, science has been guiding us in this moment in which each individual can be empowered to have greater control over their health and well-being than at any other time in human history.

An inquisitive mind can create a discovery with a capital ‘D’. You don’t even have to be a scientist to do it, you just have to believe that the world is bigger than it appears to be. There is so much room for inventiveness that it should spark curiosity and searching in all of us.

Unfortunately, that is not the case. Most people are so busy spinning the hamster wheel that they don’t have the time or inclination to ponder the wonders of the universe. We owe a debt of gratitude to those frontier seekers who have led us to inventions far beyond the wheel.

We have now entered a new era where we can harness the power of zero point energy to not only fuel our technology, but also to heal the body. Zero point energy wands are a new revolution in healing and testimonials are popping up all over the internet about how this new technology is helping people reduce and even eliminate pain, increasing their energy and helping to heal injuries and other illnesses.

Books about this new technology are popping up on Amazon and those who own these news wands are looking for this information to find out how to use their wands and learn more about how this technology works. There is even an illustrated wand guide and workbook available that shows the techniques of how to use these wands.

These wands are mainly marketed through companies on the Internet, but are also available to individuals. The price of these wands range from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. It is best to do your research before purchasing one of these wands as there are people selling inferior wands through eBay and other online websites that are not worth their weight in gold. This is a case where cheaper is NOT necessarily better. And the highest priced wands are not necessarily the best.

Here’s where to buy a book to learn more about this technology and what to look for when buying one can save consumers a lot of money. Knowing what to look for is key to avoiding being scammed.

While these sticks all look the same. They do not work the same as they are not infused with the same type of frequencies. And it is the frequencies that these wands are infused with that make them effective in helping the body heal and increase energy.

As a wise person once said, it is better to be safe than sorry. While millions of people will purchase their own self-healing wands and others will use them in clinics across the country, it is recommended that you use discretion when choosing which wand to purchase.

Owners of Amega AMwands, some scalar wands, and a few other brands will enjoy their wands and knowing what they actually hold in their hands and how to use them will make them even more valuable as a healing tool in their lives. Be open to discovery and you will find out why zero point energy wands are becoming a revolution in alternative healing.

We can help heal the world and each other!

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