Why do pretty girls CRY?

As I dried my hair, my brain started working. (scary!) I was thinking about some comments I’ve heard from guys here and there regarding “Why do pretty girls cry?”. Of course, I had to question them to reveal their thoughts on the subject. I asked them a simple question: “Do you think women who are pretty don’t like other pretty women?” Hmmm, I got a lot of responses right away, seemingly out of the blue. The most popular response was… “NO!!” I know so many women who are beautiful and the last thing they would think of themselves is exactly that. They cannot see what we see in them at all. They think that all other women in the world have more to offer.

My next question was, “Do you think women constantly compare themselves to other women?” This question took no time at all for them to answer. “Yes and no. They think that we (men) are comparing them to other women. And that’s what makes them all weird.” Plus, “They think we want them in our minds or wonder what they would look like naked. They compare themselves to other women, yes, but in one more way to make us better. My girlfriend compares herself to women who don’t even come close to her.” on any scale and still finds reasons to tear himself down.”

Hmmm, it seems like I’m saying that sometimes, but it’s because women are so generalized. If a woman is one way with a guy, he thinks all women are like that. When women generalize men, they call us male bashers or feminists. What do we call guys who generalize to us from their past experiences?

So what about the fact that pretty girls don’t really see themselves as pretty girls? Is it something from his past? (It seems the end result of everything)

I myself remember a guy who asked me exactly that question. “Why do all the pretty girls think they are ugly?” I shrugged. I really had no answer. I never put myself at that level, of being pretty that is.

In all the research I’ve been doing on this subject, I’ll tell you this, ‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’, nothing more, nothing less. If we look in the mirror and do not see beauty, that is only in our mind. Neither in the mind of our partners nor in the mind of a stranger. We are constantly supported by our spouses and are constantly wary of their feedback. Because? When are we going to start seeing ourselves as a beautiful being? A UNIQUE BEING. A single being.

Ladies, when you come across another that you feel is way above you, for whatever reason, shoes, hair, dress, body or just her smile, think this; she is also looking at you and seeing something in you that she is missing and would love to have.

Furthermore, it is part of us, it is integrated into us and is born with it in our brain to compare.

Some will look for weaknesses or flaws in others just to feel good. That is a negative comparison. It’s not bad to want to be a better person. We just have to be very careful not to take it to an extreme that blinds others to our thoughts and intentions.

Men automatically tend to call us jealous when we reveal our thoughts, if another woman is involved. Another mystery in my mind; Jeesh, we’re not always that worried, it’s okay. So get off your ego trip guys. Sometimes we are genuinely curious as to why we see and feel the vibrations we receive from you. Also as you read before, maybe, we care and we want to improve. Maybe men should try doing that sometime. Then they will really see where we come from.

Another thing I have noticed is that men are very good at making us believe that we are doing what they say. Why is that? Is it to win an argument and feel totally in control of our thoughts or is it that they themselves feel vulnerable at times and less than perfect for us? Men have told me that they don’t look at other men and want to be like them. Well duh! Wouldn’t that make them women? Why is everyone trying so hard to make excuses for genders? Why can’t we just accept and appreciate each other for our differences? Why do we have to be so damn equal in everything?

Females are soft, sensual, sensitive, emotional, passionate and intelligent creatures. That’s just us, and we’re tired of apologizing for how we were born. We work overtime trying to understand our male counterparts. We are what makes them work. They are the ones that make us work. We want nothing more than to be your everything. What’s wrong with that? Men are strong, protective, sexual and sensitive beings.

Men and women together make a very beautiful song.

These are just my thoughts, as everyone knows, so please take them with a grain of salt. Has society totally confused what real people are, to the point that some don’t even know they’re pretty? That is a sad thought. Some may think that I have nothing good to say. Well, actually I have a lot of good things to say. I wish life was a perfect world. It’s not even closed. My thoughts tend to deal with the real world and it’s not so great for some. You can’t go up until you’ve come all the way down.

We are all pretty in some way. People think a lot about outward physical appearance and wish they could meet the first person who started that negative seed. When did things get so out of proportion?

There are too many worries and too many unhappy women out there. If I can at least help a woman see how pretty she is, then my course is set. Ladies, we are all a gift, one that our loved ones truly appreciate. Never let that get neglected. Remember, you choose your thoughts. You are the pretty girl that your man wants, desires and with whom he will spend the rest of his life. It is who we are that makes us the perfect woman. Not just how we look, because we’re not always going to look the same. Everyone gets older and everyone changes their outward appearance. What remains the same is what we are inside. Our REAL person is what it’s all about. I will end with this thought:


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